Wednesday, 28 September 2016

Add Featured Products Opencart

This tutorial will show you how to add featured products to the home page on your opencart store. For this I will be using my opencart dashboard, you will need to access your modules this is found in the left-hand panel on your dashboard under extensions. 

Dashboard - Extensions [1] - Modules [2].

This will show you a module list, scroll down the list until you find the module name Featured > Home Page, click on edit (blue button with a pencil icon). To edit the featured module you will ned to change and add a few things:

  • Module Name: I changed this to featured products, you can change this to what you would like to change the name too. 
  • Products: Add the products that you would like to feature, to do this just type the name of the product into the product box, this will add it to the box below.
  • Limit: I left this at the default 5.
  • Width: I also left this as the default recommended, 200.
  • Height: I kept the default, 200. 
  • Status: Set this to enabled. 
Save this module. 

Featured Module.
Now the module is created you will need to add it to your homepage, to do this you need to go back to your opencart dashboard. On the left-hand panel click on design then on the drop down menu click layout.

Dashboard - Design [1] - Layout [2].
This will bring you to the layout list, scroll through the list until you find the layout name home, click on edit. There will be a few options:
  • Layout Name: Leave this as Home.
  • Store & Route: Leave this to what it is set at.
  • Module: This is what you will need to edit. Click on the add module (blue button with a plus sign). In the module section, click on the drop down box and find the module you have just made (featured > featured product). In the section position, you need to set the position you want it to be on your homepage (I have selected top). In the sort order column, I have set this to 1.  
Save the changes.

Once you have done this check your store to make sure it has worked. Remember to back up your store.

Final Look.



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