Tuesday, 20 September 2016

Add a Category and Sub-Category in Opencart

For this tutorial I will be showing you how to add categories to your opencart store, for this, I will be using my opencart dashboard. You will need to click on catalog in the left-hand panel, this will show you a drop-down menu and you will then need to click on categories. 

Dashboard - Catalog [1] - Catergories [2].

The page will show a category list, I have deleted all previous categories that were there for demo purposes. You will need to add a new category (blue plus icon).  What to add to a new category:

  • Category Name - This is the name you want to show on your nav bar.
  • Meta Tag Title - This is the name that will show in the header.
  • Top - Ensure this is ticked to display this category in the nav bar.
  • Status - Make sure this is enabled.

Create a Sub-Category.

To create a sub-category you need to stay on the category list, create a new category like before (blue plus sign).  For this, you will need to fill the category name and meta tag title as you did when creating the category for the nav bar. However, the data tab will be filled in differently you do not need to tick the top box for a sub-category. There will be a field at the top of the page called parent, this is where you will choose which category the sub-category will be in, also ensure that the status is set to enable.



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